"Ms. Spencer!...Ms. Spencer!", Nicholas yelled, as he tried to catch his breath.
Still frozen with fear, Daniella was unaware of sight and sound. She lacked all of her senses. She did not hear Nicholas, the officer nor the paramedic.
"Miss, can you hear us?", asked the paramedic, gently. Nothing, not a voice, a touch, not the young attractive gentleman who was sprinting and screaming; very eager to catch her attention.
"Damn!", Nicholas winced.
He was just about to reach Daniella when he felt a sudden piercing sensation. The pain was so immense it caused him to forcefully collapse hitting the pavement. His head ricocheting off of the cold ground, deeply cutting his cheek as it bounced. Blood everywhere.
Trying to come to and open his eyes, garbled voices reverberating... "He's been badly injured!".
The police lieutenant quickly gave instructions to his officers,"Clear the immediate area within a 2 mile radius, now!"
"Man down, man down. We are dealing with a possible gun shot wound to the right groin! Extra medical units required!"
While Nicholas couldn't see or hear clearly additionally baring the worst pain he had ever experienced, Daniella remained his main concentration. Was she okay? Nicholas attempted to call her name again when the paramedics placed him on a stretcher, placing oxygen over his bloody mouth.
Nicholas could barely move or keep his eyes open. But every time he gained consciousness he attempted to rip the oxygen off of his face and pull himself up. While they just met in class, no less, her weak, defenseless stare was frozen in his mind. He knew he had to get to her. She needed him.
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