With every last ounce of patience, Nicholas bit his tongue. He thought about leaving class but he knew he had to stay. I can't believe this professor, if that is what you want to call her, embarrassed the crap out of me. I need to make her pay somehow, he thought. I will just have to get to know her better, he smirked.
Daniella began to teach the class. A class full of thirty college students. While Daniella wasn't organized, she was extremely knowledgeable and talented. She was also an amazing teacher. She broke any material into understandable masterpieces. Brilliance a colleague once told her. In college, she was often called upon in class to help other students.
Daniella asked, "Sir, would you please pass out the syllabus, since you seem to be daydreaming?"
Nicholas again in a daze thinking of revenge, unaware the professor was speaking to him.
"Hello?", Daniella further questioned, as she lightly nudged his shoulder.
"What?", Nicholas jumped. Who does this b.... think she is? "Oh, I mean I am sorry", Nicholas stood up as he brushed off his shoulder. "Yes, ma'am, I apologize", Nicholas replied.
Daniella now sheepishly smiling responded, "Thank you, sir".
As Nicholas walked around the classroom handing out the syllabus, his friend Eduardo whispered, "She digs you." Nicholas rolled his eyes and responded, "Hardly". Then it dawned on him, could she possibly like me? Or, me her. Eduardo made a good point, all chicks are attracted to me. Either that or I need sleep. Nicholas quickly shafted romance out of his head. It was hard for him to forget about women, romance, and sex.
There was no doubt he was handsome. Nicholas never had a problem getting a date or laid for that matter. He was stunning. Dark thick hair never out of place, perfectly cut and styled, even when he was tired.
Hell, he never slept last night. He ran home and jumped into the shower to wash away the stench of whiskey, vodka, and beer...before heading to class.
Not being able to get the professor off of his mind again, he began staring at her. Hmmm he thought to himself. She isn't half bad. But, she probably is not worth the chase, she looks as if she only believes in extraordinary love...something that doesn't exist.
Hell, he never slept last night. He ran home and jumped into the shower to wash away the stench of whiskey, vodka, and beer...before heading to class.
Not being able to get the professor off of his mind again, he began staring at her. Hmmm he thought to himself. She isn't half bad. But, she probably is not worth the chase, she looks as if she only believes in extraordinary love...something that doesn't exist.