
Thursday, November 29, 2012

It was nearly 5:00 PM. Daniella felt her heart racing. She was stuck in back to back traffic. The traffic was slowly inching along. Trying to come up with any type of distraction to calm her nerves, Daniella was fixated on her bubble bath.

The thought of the warm slippery sensation of soapy bubbles and water. The notion that she would soon be soaking all of the tension anxiety away. Peeling her uncomfortable clothes off. Especially the business attire.


As she approached the next light, her distraction switched to intense fear and sadness. Her usual ten minute drive, now nearly one hour, became one of the worst commutes of her life. She wasn't going to heaven alone tonight.

As she sat at the light repeatedly rubbing her eyes a police officer approached her vehicle.

"Good afternoon, I am sorry miss. No one will be allowed beyond this point without the proper identification and purpose" said, Officer Ramirez.

Horrified at the scene...Daniella broke down and could not respond.


  1. I am liking! Let me know when you post more!
    I have a blogspot but I can't seem to remember it. Lol. Need to follow your lead and create one for So Intriguing.
    Don't forget to keep me posted!

  2. Nasheen,

    Truly appreciate your visit here. I will keep you posted and I also love to read 'So Intriguing' as well.

    Thanks again,

  3. I imagine the look on Daniella's face and anxiously await when the camera pans over to show the horrifying scene...(!) ~I'm at the edge of my seat!


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